Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budovsky

Kõik, mis investeerimise, raha kogumise ja säästmisega seotud, mis teistesse alafoorumitesse ei sobi.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budovsky

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The Tico Times, Friday, May 24, 2013
Costa Rican arrested in Spain for alleged financial crimes
Costa Rican authorities raided suspect´s home and offices in San José and Heredia.

Arthur Budovsky Belanchuk, 39, on Friday was arrested in Spain as part of a money laundering investigation performed jointly by police agencies in the United States and Costa Rica.
Costa Rican prosecutor José Pablo González said Budovsky, a Costa Rican citizen of Ukrainian origin, has been under investigation since 2011 for money laundering using a company he created in the country called Liberty Reserve.
Local investigations began after a request from a prosecutor’s office in New York. On Friday, San José prosecutors conducted raids in Budovsky's house and offices in Escazú, Santa Ana, southwest of San José, and in the province of Heredia, north of the capital.
Budovsky's businesses in Costa Rica apparently were financed by using money from child pornography websites and drug trafficking.

New York conviction

According to records from the U.S. Justice Department, on July 27, 2006, Budovsky and a partner identified as Vladimir Kats were indicted by the state of New York on charges of operating an illegal financial business, GoldAge Inc., from their Brooklyn apartments.
They had transmitted at least $30 million to digital currency accounts worldwide since beginning operations in 2002.
The digital currency exchange, GoldAge, received and transmitted $4 million between Jan. 1, 2006, and June 30, 2006, as part of the money laundering scheme.
Customers opened online GoldAge accounts with limited documentation of identity, then GoldAge purchased digital gold currency through those accounts; the defendants' fees sometimes exceeded $100,000.
Customers could choose their method of payment to GoldAge: wire remittances, cash deposits, postal money orders or checks.
Finally, the customers could withdraw the money by requesting wire transfers to accounts anywhere in the world or by having checks sent to any identified individual.
Budovsky and Kats were sentenced to five years in prison for engaging in the business of transmitting money without a license, a felony violation of state banking law, but got probation.
Allikas: https://www.ticotimes.net/More-news/News ... ay-24-2013
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

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BBC NEWS, 27 May 2013
Liberty Reserve digital money service forced offline
Liberty Reserve Liberty Reserve's website was taken offline on Thursday

Liberty Reserve - a Costa Rican-based digital currency service - has been shut down after the reported arrest of its founder.

Authorities in the Central American country said Arthur Budovsky had been taken into custody in Spain on suspicion of money laundering, following an investigation which also involved the US.
They added that police had raided several of Mr Budovsky's properties and seized his computer servers.

Liberty Reserve had described itself as being the internet's "oldest, safest and most popular payment processor... serving millions all around a world".
It had allowed users to open accounts and transfer money, only requiring them to provide a name, date of birth and an email address.
Cash could be put into the service using a credit card, bank wire, postal money order or other money transfer service. It was then "converted" into one of the firm's own currencies - mirroring either the Euro or US dollar - at which point it could be transferred to another account holder who could then extract the funds.
The service promised that payment transfers were "instantaneous" and it charged a maximum of $2.99 (£1.98) for each transaction. It also offered a private messaging facility which it said was "much more private and secure than email or instant messenger services".

Security expert Bryan Krebs said Liberty Reserve's features had made it a popular among cybercriminals who wanted to move funds and make payments anonymously.
However, others said they had used the service for legitimate means, viewing it as a cheaper alternative to PayPal. They fear they will now lose money still sitting in its accounts.

Refused licence

Costa Rica state prosecutor Jose Pablo Gonzalez announced news of the raids on Saturday. He said that in addition to Mr Budovsky's arrest, 10 other suspects were being investigated in connection with international money laundering.
Mr Gonzalez said that Costa Rica's financial regulator, Sugef, had refused to issue a licence to Liberty Reserve in 2011 after raising concerns about how it was being funded.
Although the company Liberty Reserve subsequently closed and dismissed its employees, the prosecutor said Mr Budovsky had continued operating his money exchange service by running it through five other Costa Rican businesses.
The same year, he said, New York based officials asked Costa Rica to investigate.
Mr Gonzalez said offices and houses linked to Mr Budovsky had been raided last week, and that documents and three vehicles - including a Rolls Royce - were seized.

The US Department of Justice's website says that in 2006 Mr Budovsky was found guilty of operating a separate illegal money transmittal business - GoldAge - from a Brooklyn apartment when he used to live in New York.
However, when asked about the latest arrest, a spokeswoman said she could "not provide any guidance" at this time.

The BBC has also asked the Spanish police for more details.

Lost money

According to Mr Krebs' security blog, the closure of Liberty Reserve has the potential to "cause a major upheaval in the cybercrime economy".
He said there had been "anxious discussions" about the news on several internet forums after fraudsters and malware sellers found themselves unable to access their accounts.
But others say they used the service for legitimate reasons, and are concerned about the lack of information.
They include Mitver Holdings, the firm behind a facility called ePay Cards. This allows consumers outside the US to buy goods from stores in the country as if they owned a locally-issued Visa or Mastercard credit card.

The firm behind ePay cards says it now faces an "uphill battle" to make up potentially lost funds

The company - which has offices in London and Texas - used Liberty Reserve as a way for its customers to charge up their "virtual credit cards".

Co-founder Mitchell Rossetti said he had about $28,000 sitting in his business's Liberty Reserve account at the time the site went offline.
"We used Liberty Reserve because it was quick, efficient and secure," he told the BBC.
"Now, we - and thousands of others who were dependent on it - have been left with nothing to look at except a blank webpage, and nothing more to go on than reports from the Costa Rican press.
"We need to know if our assets have been seized and what would be the requirements to get the funds returned."
Allikas: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-22680297
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

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Ja samal teemal pikemat juttu tänases ajalehes ticotimes:

Liberty Reserve: A cyberweb of intrigue
https://www.ticotimes.net/More-news/News ... ay-28-2013
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

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Endal jäi LibertyReserve kontole $16 usd ja ma kahtlen, et seda raha enam kunagi kätte saan.
Tuletage meelde, mis juhtus E-Gold'iga 6 a. tagasi, kui USA valitus külmutas selle kontod, mille koguväärtuseks e-kullas oli 10.. 20 milj. US dollarit? Suuremad kasutajad/firmad üle maailma jäid rahast ilma, muutusid maksejõuetuks ja pankrotistusid. Ka meie IceGold OÜ, kes oli tol ajal tegelikult üks suurim ja populaarseim e-kulla vahetaja üle maailma, lõpetas tegevuse..

Paras 'laks' jälle nendele kasutajatele ja firmadele, kes kasutasid seda maksevahendit ausas äritegevuses.

Kes on järgmine? Pecunix, PerfectMoney, OKPAY või hoopiski Bitcoin? USA on mõjuvõimas riik ja tal on pikad käed!
PerfectMoney on igatahes juba saba jalge vahele tõmmanud. Kohe pärast LibertyReserve juhtumit otsustas ta sulgeda oma uksed USA kodanikele muutes kasutajatingimusi:
Recent changes in Perfect Money Policy

Dear Perfect Money Customers,

We bring to your attention that due to changes in our policy we forbid new registrations from individuals or companies based in the United States of America. This includes US citizens residing overseas. If you fall under the above mentioned category or a US resident, please do not register an account with us.

We apologize for inconvenience caused.
Terms of Use
1.25 System reserves the right to block the registrations originating from the USA or from US citizens located abroad due to local laws and regulations. Any individual or company suspected of submitting false/misleading information with purpose of hiding US location or affiliation may be subject to account block with no prior warning.
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Liitunud: 16 Juul 2007, 13:38

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas Taavi »

Huvitav, kas bitcoin paneb nüüd hinnas lakke või hoopis vastassuunas. Peaks vastava alafoorumi siia vist tegema ja teema korralikumalt selgeks.

Igaljuhul tundub, et USAkad on mingi konkreetse sõja alustanud selliste makseprotsessorite vastu. Tea, kas ühel hetkel vastavad kasutajad ka vastu hakkavad sõdima...
Õpi lihtsalt ja edukalt investeerima. Vaata: https://rahatasku.ee/
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Liitunud: 16 Juul 2007, 13:38

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas Taavi »

Selle makseprotsessoriga on nüüdseks siis vist kõik? Võib vist lähitulevikus arhiivi liigutada alafoorumi?

Minul õnneks selle kohapealt läks hästi, et kontol vist suurt midagi ei olnud sel hetkel enam. Samas ilmselt on siin nii mõnigi, kellele see omajagu maksma läks...
Õpi lihtsalt ja edukalt investeerima. Vaata: https://rahatasku.ee/

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas sanderlife »

Lihtsalt suht ulme lugeda !
Mind huvitab kelle usa järgmisena ettevõtab .

Täitsa huvitab tegelt kus liikusid tol hetkel suuremad summad, kas LR , PM või STP ?

Kas lihtsalt võeti LR et seal liikusid niivõrd suured summad , et PM ja STP polnud mõtet veel veega alla lasta?
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1518
Liitunud: 16 Juul 2007, 13:38

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas Taavi »

Ei tea. PM ja STP kohta nii palju ei oska öelda, kuna kokkupuude puudub, aga LR oli ju suht iga HYIPi jmt programmi jaoks populaarne maksevahend.
Eks seal liikusid korralikud summad, enamus olid ebaseaduslikud programmid ja tõenäoliselt korralik rahapesu + mustad tulud, millelt valitsustel maksud jäid saamata.

Ma ausaltöeldes mõtlesin, et payzaga suht sama teema käsil, kui selle pangaülekande teemaga probleem tekkis. Ehk siis egopay ju sisuliselt samaks otstarbeks kasutusel, mis LR'gi, kuigi ehk pisut rohkem andmeid on kasutajate kohta...

Eks ta suht selline valitsuste ja anarhistlike/vabameelsemate osapoolte vaheline sõda ole. Paraku jäävad ka legaalsed ärid ja seadusekuulekad inimesed sinna vahele ja kaotavad omajagu, sest maha tõmmatakse sedasi valimatult.
Õpi lihtsalt ja edukalt investeerima. Vaata: https://rahatasku.ee/

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas sanderlife »

Nüüd läheb asi ju põnevaks.
Sellepärast LR jah iga hyip site kasutas seda peamiselt ja oli esindatud, millele nüüd üle minnakse on küsimus ...
Sest kui kui seal juba nii suured rahad liikusid , peavad need edasi liikuma ka .

Kas PM või STP või hoopiski egopay või webmoney ?

Krt kui ma neid artikleid lugesin LR kohta, ma ei arvanudki et neid ülekandeid nii palju tehakse 8O

Täitsa hakkab huvitama kui keerukas on luua samalaadset süsteemi naq LR aga veits kindlama alusega..... (A)
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 1518
Liitunud: 16 Juul 2007, 13:38

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas Taavi »

Ühest küljest valitsus jm organid tahavad seda, et oleks reguleeritud ja kasutajad tuvastatud ja raha liikumine nö jälgitav. Ühesõnaga need terrorismi- ja rahapesuvastased meetmed peavad olema rakendatud.

Teisest küljest see kontingent, kes seda teenust kasutab, tahab anonüümsust ja seda, et keegi ei näeks, kuhu ja mis summasid liigutatakse.

Ehk siis legaalselt ilmselt sellele sihtgrupile asja teha ei saa sellisel kujul, et kõik osapooled rahul oleks :)
Selleks tuleks midagi bitcoini sarnast siis kasutada ilmselt. Huvitav muidugi, kas mingi hetk hakatakse sinna ka kallale või mitte. Ma mingi hetk natukene proovisin seda uurida, aga tundus ikkagi suht müstiline elukas...
Õpi lihtsalt ja edukalt investeerima. Vaata: https://rahatasku.ee/

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

Postitus Postitas sanderlife »

krt need keelatud viljad tekitavad ikka päris suure katsetamise isu....

LR oli parim kohta kus neid rahasid sai tegelikult saadetud....
Keegi lasi hyip saidi maha ja sa ainult unista oma rahast :D

Keegi oskab öelda, kaua võtab LR lehekülje valmis temiseks aega... ? ?
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: Hispaanias vahistati Liberty Reserve asutaja Arthur Budo

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Payza ja STP erinevad LR-ist ja PM-st sellepoolest, et need ei ole päris anonüümsed maksevahendid. Sarnaselt Payapal'ile, nõuavad mõlemad maksevahendid suurema summa liigutamiseks kliendi identifitseerimist (KYC dokumente). Kanada Finantstehingute ja Aruannete Analüüsi Keskuse kodulehelt FINTRAC võib näha, et mõlemal firmal on Kanadas ka kehtiv registratsioon finantstehinguteks, kuigi jah, Payza enamusaktsionäriks on juba märgitud MH Pillars ltd, mis on registreeritud UK-s.
Vaatamata nendele kehtivatele lubadele ja registratsioonidele võib USA tulevikus ka neid maksevahendeid süüdistada rahapesus. Elektroonilisel teel kliendi isikusamasuse tuvastamine ei ole arvatavasti ikka nii tõhus. Digtaalselt allkirjastamata elektroonilisi dokumente on ju lihtne võltsida. Nagu ma ennist juba mainisin, USA on mõjuvõimas riik ja tal on pikad käed! See riik üritab saada enneolematu võimu raha ja interneti üle.
Minu isiklik arvamus on, et sellise poliitikaga riigikassase raha ei laeku ja terrorismi ka vähemaks ei jää..