13. leht 18-st

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 27 Jaan 2012, 12:34
Postitas karupoeg40
Alusta 100euroga ja mängi nii nagu börsil,et 2,5 alla.. kui mäng algab siis panusta ja see ALLA hakkab kohe langema ,ütleme back oli 2,2 ja kui nüüd lay langeb 2peale müü maha siis saad igapidi 10euri kui mängid 100euriga..muidugi ära võta sellist mängu kus vastane on mäekõrgusest üle,muidu on kiired väravad.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 27 Jaan 2012, 17:12
Postitas Cheating

Sooviksin ka saada teie foorumile ligipääsu :D
Ise tegelen ka panustamisega aga pole väga palju tuttavaid kellega ideid jagada.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 27 Jaan 2012, 20:08
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 31 Jaan 2012, 02:37
Postitas Kaupo
Oleks huvitatud mitme peale maksmise võimalusest. Vaataks ka foorumi üle.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 31 Jaan 2012, 14:00
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 02 Veebr 2012, 18:03
Postitas nbatip
sooviks ka foorumi üle vaadata

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 03 Veebr 2012, 17:58
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 03 Veebr 2012, 21:48
Postitas oll.ov
paluks ka infot suletud foorumi kohta .
keegi võiks ka kommenteeriad kuidas nende suletud foorumi tippidega läinud on . ?

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 04 Veebr 2012, 17:42
Postitas tennis-forecast
tahaks vaadata. Võib olla anname ka mõned nõued tennise kohta.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 04 Veebr 2012, 18:05
Postitas betifoorum
oll.ov...vastatud...ja lisaks selle`kuidas läinud on`peale...kõikidel teenustel oma history saitidel olemas ja siiamaani ei ole me märganud mingeid valehistoreid või tippide muutmisi nendel saitidel, mida meie kasutame....seega saad saitidelt korraliku ülevaate...2 teenuse kohta mitte...esiteks on mu enda kõik tipid ainult foorumis olemas...lisaks handicappers watchdogile...aga sinna ei saa ma kõiki oma tippe panna...sellegipoolest näitab see sait minu tippidel korralikku kasumit.

tennis-forecast...paraku ei anna ei mina ega ükski meie tasulistest teenustest tennise tippe ja erinevaid tippe erinevatelt teenustelt jookseb meil päevas juba niigi palju läbi, et nendele kõikidele panustada...seega sellel eesmärgil me inimesi juurde ei otsi

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 06 Mär 2012, 00:01
Postitas bucklay
Sooviks ka ligipääsu ,et asjaga tutvuda.Ja samas tahaks küsida kui paljud kasutavad triobeti?

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 07 Mär 2012, 21:42
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 07 Mär 2012, 21:47
Postitas lumos
oleks kah huvitatud ligi pääsust

muideks ise olen paarpäeva triobetis proovinud õnne.

seis siis selline:

kandsin sisse 15 euri.

olen teinud 42 beti millest 8 olen kaotanud..

suurimad kaotused on 20,17,15 ja 10 euri ´.

välja olen kandnud 65 euri praegu konto jääk 12 euri

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 08 Mär 2012, 21:39
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 14 Mär 2012, 14:52
Postitas Markomaania
Ei hakanud eraldi teemat tegema, aga oleks üks küsimus. Olen aastaid triobeti kasutanud, nüüd hiljuti kolisin bet365 üle. Küsimus oleks, et kas bet365 või siis teistest (Eestis mitteregistreeritud) ennustusportaalidest saadud tulude kohta peab ka tulumaksu maksma? Ei taha, et järgmise aasta tuludeklaratsiooni täitmisel ootaks ees suur üllatus.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 17 Mär 2012, 11:40
Postitas ruzpaa
Tere, oleksin asjast huvitatud. Olen tänulik tagasiside eest!

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 17 Mär 2012, 15:35
Postitas marten66
betifoorum, sul on kuskil kinnine tasuline foorum, kus jagate vihjeid spordiennustuste kohta?
Ja oluline osa ennustustest läheb täppi ja liikmed on valdavalt kasumis?
Siis olen ka huvitatud, saada, palun, PM või e-mail marten66[ät]hot.ee

Kas makseprotsessorina kasutad ise moneybookersit või paypali?
ja betid betfairis või triobetis rohkem?
Milline algkapital oleks alustuseks hea?

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 20 Mär 2012, 02:12
Postitas betifoorum
Nii...vastatud PMitena ja kindlasti ei küsita sinult makse sellise asja eest, seda enam, et kasutada saab e-walleteyd ja kustkohast sulle see raha sinna on tulnud, ei hakka ilmselt kedagi huvitama enne, kui need summad lähevad tõesti suureks ja tekib huvi...töökaaslane teenis kuus keskmiselt eelmine aasta paar kuud järiest triobetis keskmiselt üle 10.000 ja ei esitatud küsimusi, pigem hakatakse sind bookmakerites limiteerima, kui võidud muutuvad regulaarseteks ja summad märkimisväärsed:)

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 22 Mär 2012, 16:53
Postitas betifoorum
kuna siin avalehel ka juttu panustamisest, siis mainiksin ära, et väga suur tähtsus ja millegipärast alahinnatud ja ka suurim viga mida tehakse, on mitte kasutada betting bank managementi.
Panen siia mõned populaarsemad....ise soovitan kasutada kõige rohkem protsentuaalset panustamist. Jagad oma betting banki erinevate tipsterite vahel ära ja panustad nii 5 protsenti või vähem igale tipile....nii kaitsed oma betting banki ja vähendad panuste suurust, kui tippidel läheb loodetust halvemini ja samas tõstad oma panused ja kasvatad betting banki, kui tippidel läheb paremini. 5 protsenti on kasulikum eelkõoge siis, kui panustad päevas nii 2-4 tipile, kui kasutad tipstereid, kes annavad päevas 5 ja rohkem tippe, soovitan protsenti vähendada, kuna muidu mängid ikka päevas suhteliselt suure kogusega oma betting bankist.

Martingale System
The most common approach to gambling systems is based on a martingale system model.
Originally, martingale referred to a class of betting strategies popular in 18th
century France. A martingale style system is one where you double your bet after a
losing (or with some variations after a winning) hand i.e., a $5 bet is lost so the
next bet made is $10. If that is lost the third bet made is for $20. If the third bet
is won you win 20 and retain your bet, so have a total of $40. In this way you have
essentially recouped your losses on the original $5 bet and the $10 bet. You've also
made a $5 profit. This is the worst sytem ever imagined. It is particularly bad since
a small losing streak will put the gambler up against the table limit of the casino.

D’Alembert System
Introduced in the mid 1700’s by Jean le Rond D’Alembert. This is a progression system
that helps win back losses in small steps instead of all at once like the Martingale.
It was engineered for use on the even chance bets on a roulette table but can be used
on any even chance bet. This system works on the theory that over time there will be
an equal number of wins for both the player and the banker. If a player starts a session
by placing one unit ($1, $5 or any other value) on the player to win, after a losing hand
he will increase the subsequent bet by one unit and after a winning bet will decrease the
next bet by one unit. So if he were betting on the player and the results were - loss,
loss, loss, win, loss, win, win, loss, win, win, win - then the bets placed would be as
follows (the numbers in brackets show the level of your bankroll after the spin):

1 (-1), 2 (-3), 3 (-6), 4 (-2), 3 (-5), 4 (-1), 3 (+2), 2 (+0), 3 (+3), 2 (+5), 1 (+6)

This sequence would close with a win of $6. As soon as the number of wins is equal to the
number of losses plus one, then the sequence ends with a win. Also notice that after the 7th,
9th and 10th spins the player was showing a profit, because the bets placed on winning spins
are one unit greater than the previous losing spin. Having the possibility of a positive bankroll
before the sequence is complete allows the player to cut the session short after a small win
rather than risking the chance of the session ending badly. Although this system lessens the
chances of losing your bankroll the possibility of this happening is still there. A long sequence
of consecutive losses or a period of time where the banker wins more often than the player will
soon put the system in a position where it becomes almost impossible to recover. As always the
house edge works on every spin, and so increasing your bets will eventually increase your losses.

Fibonacci System [pronounced fib-on-arch-ee or fee-bur-nutch-ee]
The Fibonacci system is based on a mathematical sequence discovered by Leonardo Pisano, better
known by his nickname Fibonacci. He was the son of Guilielmo and a member of the Bonacci family.
It is based on a sequence of numbers where the next number in the sequence is the previous two
numbers added together. It starts with 1, and continues like this:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 etc

In its basic form, a player begins with a 1-unit bet. He then keeps betting one unit until he
loses, and then moves up one level after each loss, until he wins. After a win he backs up one
level, and if he wins that bet as well, the run is completed and starts again at one unit.

EXAMPLE: a progression of 4 losses and two wins (LLLLWW) would see the following bets placed (the
numbers in brackets show the level of your bankroll after the hand):

1, (-1), 1 (-2), 2 (-4), 3 (-7), 5 (-2), 3 (-1)

Twice as many bets have been lost as have been won, but the player is still1 unit ahead, simply
because he has won two bets in a row. In a similar series where the player does not win two in a
row, but only 2 of 3 (LLLLWLW) he restarts the series, but this time out profit picture will be
as follows:

1, (-1), 1 (-2), 2 (-4), 3 (-7), 5 (-2), 3 (-5), 5 (0)

In this instance, the 2 out of 3 wins at the end of the sequence have neutralized the progression,
and the sequence starts again at 1 unit. And suppose we decided to play a 12-step Fibonacci, with
our top bet being 144 units. Our total risk, which is the complete and utter loss of an entire series,
is 376 units, or

1 +1 +2 +3 +5 +8 +13 +21 +34 +55 +89 +144 = 376.

He can lose eleven bets in a row, (LLLLLLLLLLLWLW), lose a total of 232 units in a row, then win 144,
lose 89, win 144 for a total loss of 33 units, less than 10% of the player total bankroll. The problem
with the Fibonacci is not safety, therefore, but the fact that approximately half of your wins will
come at the very first level of 1 unit, making it an often tedious albeit profitable method. In order to
counter the boredom, some players will begin their progression at the 4th or 5th level, and alternately
move up or down as they win or lose, depending on their goals. To use the Fibonacci properly, a player
must first memorize the progression, and then practice at home flipping a coin, until the bets are made
automatically. It is a perfect system for all the even-chance games like Craps, Baccarat and Roulette,
and can be easily modified into a money-management system for Blackjack and sports betting. It is also
acknowledged as an excellent system for partners betting opposite each other. However, if you decide to
employ this system, you will find fewer more powerful ways to win with as little risk.

Labouchere System
This system is also called the 'Cancellation' system. There are many variations. In its simplest form, A
player writes down a series or a set of numbers; say, 1 2 3 4 5 6. The series can be short or long and not
necessarily sequential such as 1 1 1 3 3 5 7. The choice of a particular series depends on the type of
game you want to apply it to and the odds of the bet. Each number represents the amount in units or chips
to bet. You bet the first and last of these numbers. In this example 1 and 6, which totals 7 units. If you
win, you cross out the two numbers and bet the next two 'ends' (the outside numbers). In this instance 2
and 5. If you win again you bet on the next two remaining numbers 3 and 4, and if you win that too, you
would have made a 'coup' or completed one game. Then you start all over again. If you lose, then you add
that one number to the end of the series. Say you lost your first bet of 7 units (1+ 6). Then you add number
7 to the end of the series to look like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and your next bet would be 8 units (1+ 7). If
you won the first bet but lost the second 2 and 5, then the series of numbers would look like this: 2 3 4 5 7.
If you work it out, you will see that when the series is completed or when you make a 'coup', there is always
a profit. The negative side of this system is that you could end up betting large sums of money even if your
initial bet is small.

Oscar's Grind
The system has the player bet one unit. If he wins, the sequence is over and a new one can be initiated. If
the wager is lost, then the next bet will be the same size as the one just lost. Whenever a bet is won, the
next stake is one unit larger, unless it causes the bettor to net more than one unit of profit for the sequence.
At that point, just enough is wagered to net one unit if the bet wins.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 23 Mär 2012, 16:49
Postitas Mandre
Oleks ka asjast huvitatud.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 24 Mär 2012, 17:48
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 25 Mär 2012, 15:05
Postitas Equ
Samuti huvitatud.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 25 Mär 2012, 18:33
Postitas betifoorum

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 25 Mär 2012, 23:35
Postitas stupidF
Oleksin huvitatud nimelt spordiennustustest.Mängin paar aastat Triobetis ja PAFis.Seni kahjumiga.

Re: Kes tegeleb panustamisega?

Postitatud: 26 Mär 2012, 00:08
Postitas defqon1
irw...kui mitu aastat mangid kahjumiga ,peaksid ikka rahaboss olema