Kõik, mis investeerimise, raha kogumise ja säästmisega seotud, mis teistesse alafoorumitesse ei sobi.

Postitus Postitas IXI »

Kes veel ei teadnud siis...

E-goldist ---> SEB, Hansa, Sampo jne panka
SEB, Hansa, Sampo jne pangast ---> E-Goldi

Teenustasu mõlemat pidi 2%

Koht väga kiire ja korralik ;)
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

Lisaksin siis väikse õpetuse, kuidas IceGold OÜ abil e-goldi® kulda kanda ja vastupidi, kuidas oma kontol olevat kulda müüa.
Hetkel on eestlase jaoks kõige odavam, kindlam ja kiirem viis kasutada ikka IceGold OÜ teenuseid selleks. Selle osaühingu teenust kasutavad ka suurem osa eurooplasi, kuna teenustasud on madalad ( -2% ülekande summa pealt) ja on hea klienditeenindusega.

E-kulla ostmine
Süsteem lihtne. Et oma e-kulla kontole kulda saada, pead eelkõige tegema rahalise ülekande oma pangakontolt IceGold panga arvele (hetkel Sampo). Kui IceGold on sinu ülekande kätte saanud, kannab vastava e-kulla koguse oma e-kulla kontolt sinu e-kulla kontole.
Näit. soovid osta 100 EEK eest e-kulda. Lihtsam viis algajale oleks minna IceGold'i "Kalkulaatorid" lehele ja sisestada ülemisse kalkulaatorisse andmed all oleva pildi järgi.


Kalkulaator näitab palju sa reaalselt selle summa eest (100 EEK) oma e-goldi kontole raha saad. Summa on muutuv, sest ka kulla hind kõigub. Siin on teenustasu juba mahaarvestatud.

Kui on soov osta kindlat kogust e-kulda, siis samal leheküljel on selle jaoks olemas ka teine kalkulaator.


Kui sobiv summa olemas, kliki kalkulaatori allolevale lingile "Registreerin tehingu sellele summale" ja edasi suunatakse sind vormi täitmise lehele "1.Täida vorm"


"Kommentaarid" lahtri võib jätta täitmata. Mina isiklikult olen tutvalisuse mõttes lisanud sinna esimese tehingu- või uue e-kulla konto puhul e-kulla konto nime. See selleks, et esmakordse ülekande tegemisel näeb IceGold, kas tegemist on ikka sama kontoga või mitte (vormi täitmisel ekslikult sisestatud e-kulla konto nr.)

Kui vorm 1 täidetud, kliki "Edasi" . Avaneb "2.Kinnita tellimus":


Kontrolli andmed üle ja kliki "Kinnitan". Nüüd suunatakse sind viimasele 3-ndale juhisele: "Pangaülekande juhised", kus tuuakse välja vajalikud andmed elektroonilise maksekorralduse täitmiseks (viitenumber, konto nr jms).

1. Ära ava sama "Pangaülekande juhised" aknasse mõnda teist lehte, kui pangaülekanne veel sooritamata, sest sa ei pruugi pärast neid andmeid "back" nuppu kasutades kätte saada.
2. Mina olen sellest viimasest "Pangaülekande juhised" lehest alati screenshoti teinud. Igaks juhuks.. kui midagi viltu läheb..

Ja viimaseks asjaks oleks:
Lähed oma ON-LINE panka, teed vastavalt juhisele ülekande ja ootad, kuna IceGold sulle kulda saadab. :twisted:
Ise olen tavaliselt teinud ülekande neile pangapäeva hommikul ja tavaliselt on sama päeva lõunaks või tsipa hiljem kuld minu kontole üle kantud. Vahest ka kiiremini. Kui e-kulla ülekandest teavitab IceGold sind ka sellest emaili teel.

E-kulla müümine
Mine IceGold lehele ja kliki Müü e-kulda ning täida vorm.
NB! Kindlasti vali "Saadav summa" lahtrisse rahaühikuks "EEK". Vastasel juhul maksad valuuta ülekande eest panga teenustasu 70 EEK.


Kui 1.vorm täidetud, kliki "Edasi", avaneb "2. Kinnita" leht makse juhistega. Kontrolli andmete vastavust ja kliki "Kinnitan"! Peale seda suunatakse sind otse e-kulla maksekorrraldusele, kus tuleb sooritada e-kulla ülekanne IceGoldi OÜ e-kulla arvele (tavaliselt on selle konto numbriks 372). Lahtisse "Memo" oleks soovitav ka lisada oma e-maili aadress ja ka oma nimi.

Ongi kõik! Jääb vaid oodata raha oma pangakontole :mrgreen:

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas svensoon »

Väga hea õpetus,aga tahaks teada kaua tavaliselt läheb selle tehingu sooritamiseks?

Ma ootan juba 3 päeva oma raha sealt. Ilmselt on asi pühades...
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

svensoon kirjutas: Väga hea õpetus,aga tahaks teada kaua tavaliselt läheb selle tehingu sooritamiseks?

Ma ootan juba 3 päeva oma raha sealt. Ilmselt on asi pühades...

Arvad õieti ;)

IceGold 12.12.06 UUDISED
Seoses jõulupühadega oleme suletud 25.-26. detsembril. Asume taas tööle kolmapäeval, 27. detsembril. Täname Teid mõistva suhtumise eest!

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas IXI »

muidu kannad hommikul raha siis pn õhtuks ilusti egoldis ;)

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas prints »

kiire ja hea teenidus
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »


Teade E-kulla ostmine ajutiselt peatatud

Oleme ajutiselt peatanud e-kulla ostmise kuna meil ei ole hetkel võimalik üleliigset e-kulda edasi müüa kesksele rahavahetajale Omnipay'le. Alustame taas e-kulla ostmist kui meil selle järele vajadus tekib või kui saame kinnituse Omnipay'lt, et neile on jälle võimalik e-kulda müüa. Loodame jätkata e-kulla kokkuostuga järgmisel nädalal.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

Icegoldi vastus minu email päringule:

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas IXI »

miskit uut :(?
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 201
Liitunud: 10 Okt 2006, 18:04

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas pippen »

surf kus sa oled, on sul mingeid uudiseid?

Ma sain täna nobshyip-i uudiskirja, tundub, et e-gold hakkab ennast nüüd ametlikult USA-st välja tõmbama, siin siis tekst ise Omnipay kohta (mida ka icegold kasutab) ... exchanges/

eks siis paistab mis saama hakkab....
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

pippen kirjutas: surf kus sa oled, on sul mingeid uudiseid?

Ma sain täna nobshyip-i uudiskirja, tundub, et e-gold hakkab ennast nüüd ametlikult USA-st välja tõmbama, siin siis tekst ise Omnipay kohta (mida ka icegold kasutab) ... exchanges/

eks siis paistab mis saama hakkab....

Raske midagi öelda.
See, et e-gold tahab USA-st ära kolida on juba üpriski vana jutt. Ma arvan, et see teema tuli jutuks juba siis, kui USA valitsus hakkas tema üle nõiajahti pidama .
Ma ei hakkaks ka igaühe arvamust blogidest südamesse hetkel võtma. Igal ühel on oma arvamus selle kohta ja igaüks tahab ikka oma postitustega teistest targem välja paista. Praegu pole mõtet spekuleerima hakata sellel teemal ja vanakurat ise teab. mis toimub...

Tean ainult mõningaid fakte. Paar päeva tagasi taasalustasid mitu online panka e-kulla ostu (AlertPay, SolidTrust Pay). Tegin paar päeva tagasi isiklikult E-Goldist AlertPay'sse e-kulla ülekande. E-kulla fiasko alguses oli AlertPay loobunud sellest. Samuti nägin paar päeva tagasi ka ühe inimese postitust MMG-s, kes ütles, et ta ei mõista, et milles seisnevad mõnede investeeringu programmide e-kulla väljamakse probleemid, kui ta hiljuti kasutas OmnyPay teenuseid, probleemideta ja viivitusteta müüdes 2 korda suures koguses oma e-kulda OmniPay-le ja viivitusteta (48h) jooksul sai ta oma panga kontole selle eest sula... Kui see jutt tõele vastab, ja seda võib ikka tõeks võtta, kuna tegemist oli tuntud tegelasega (kui ma ei eksi - adminiga), siis sellel on ainult üks järeldus, et OmniPay tegutseb ikka edasi, kuid teatud firmadega (IceGold k.a.) on tal siis tehingute tegemine mingitel põhjustel keelatud (?). USA valitsuse surve (?) Nagu teada OmniPay on E-Gold´ile kuuluv rahavahetusfirma ja E-Gold külmutas umbes 58 suuremat e-kulla kontot (1mdc, Icegold, jpt).

10. mail vastas mulle IceGold, et nad hakkavd ostma e-kulda niipea, kui Omnipay on saanud oma advokaatidelt kinnituse, et nad võivad IceGold ´iga tehinguid edasi teha ja millal see täpselt juhtub, ei oska ka nemad öelda. Palusid ainult jälgida oma kodulehte ( ja niipea kui midagi olulist muutub, lubasid selle kaudu teada anda.

Viimasel ajal on järjest tihedamini märgata, et autosurf programmid ja muud selletaolised ponzimonzid on hakanud e-kulda, kui makseprotsessorit, oma lehelt eemaldama, kartes hetkel seda olukorda, mis e-kullaga toimub.
Ma võin siin nüüd küll eksida, kuid minu arusaamine sellest asjast on selline. E-kulla konto külmutmine (eng. frozen account) on minu teada see, et sul on kontole ligipääs, kuid sul ei ole võimalik seal raha välja võtta. Ma tõin oma ajutisel kodukal välja ühe nipi, mis ei ole küll paljudele teada, kuid olen kuulnud, et seda nippi on kasutatud ja õieti kasutades, see sealt ka suudetud välja tuua. Olen teatud sidemete kauda teada saanud, et seda nippi on edukalt kasutanud admin. Ma täiesti usun seda juttu. Olen suhelnud ka tema endaga, kuid mitte selle nipi teemal. Tean, et ta ostab e-kulda, mida tavaliselt keegi sellises olukorras praegu ei riskiks teha. Järelikult see nipp töötab.. Kuid jah, mina selle eest pead pakule ei pane, kuna pole ise järgi proovinud.. Arvan, et see on lihtsalt üks nipp, mis aitab eirata e-kulla poolt nn. sisseprogrammeeritud automaatikat.

Võimalik, et IceGoldi konto on siis samas seisuses hetkel, ligipääs on aga ülekandeid teha ei saa. Ootab, kuna see uuesti e-kulla poolt õigele süsteemile ümber lülitatakse. Loomulikult IceGold ei hakka sellist nippi kasutama, kuna tegemist on ikkagi ametlikult registreeritud ja soliidse asutusega.

Mul pole aega hetkel kogu selle blogis välja toodud jutule süveneda, kuid kui see info seal õige on, et OmniPay lõpetab ajutiselt oma tehingud kuni 18. juunini , siis nüüd peaks minema veel suuremaks paanikaks lahti.

Mulle endale on siiamaani ebaselge see, et kuidas suudab siin USA e-kullale kodaratesse anda. E-kulda opereerib Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc. (G&SR) , mis kuulub E-Gold Ltd-le ja viimane on ju registreeritud omaette riigis Nevisel, mis asub Kariibidel ja mis ei tohiks USA-le kuuluda.. Kuid OmniPay "Privaatsuspoliitika" lehelt loeb jällegi välja, et see OmniPay kompanii kuulub USA-le (??)
See ärimaailm on liiga raske minu ajudele. Tundub, et juhtotsad jõuavad lõpuks ikka suurriigi kätesse.

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas tauno »

Mis põhjusel üldse usa mingit sõda peab?
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 201
Liitunud: 10 Okt 2006, 18:04

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas pippen »

In January 2000, the core e-gold roles of Issuance and Settlement were devolved to e-gold Ltd., a Nevis W.I. company created specifically to serve as the General Contractor responsible for performance of the e-gold Account User Agreement. This separation of roles was designed to further assure e-gold’s freedom from default risk and finality of settlement by dissociating the e-gold Issuer from business risks relating to exchange.

G&SR, Inc. continues to serve as Operator of the e-gold payment system, as well as offering its own innovative set of hybrid currency exchange services, known as OmniPay.

surf, siit näed, et 2000 tehti firma pmst kaheks, e-gold Ltd. on tõesti Nevisel registreeritud ja OmniPay (veel) USA-s. Ja OmniPay ei kuulu mitte USA-le...seal privacy lehel on G&SR/OmniPay is a U.S. Company. As such, it is subject to and complies with U.S. law.. Ehk siis Omnipay on registreeritud USA-s ja peab järgima USA seadusi. See tõttu saabki pitsitada.

Sellest blogi artiklist sain mina aru, et alates 18 juunist on kogu exchange värk Omnipay Africa käes ja seega ei saa USA enam kottida.

Muide, leidsin artikli algusest sellise lause, kuidas teie sellest aru saate?
Specifically, SEB Bank in Estonia has notified G&SR it is closing its bank account at close of business May 25, 2007 explicitly because of the Press Release from the US DOJ.

Üldse on Eesti pankadega mingi pidev jama, paar nädalat tagasi sain moneybookersist kirja, et Eesti pangad on mingid piirangud ka MB kohta peale pannud ja raha välja ei saa. Ei süvenenud küll sellesse maili, sest pole MB-d tükk aega vaja läinud.
tauno kirjutas: Mis põhjusel üldse usa mingit sõda peab?

usal vaja kõigiga ju sõda pidada ja ennast tõestada...ametlik põhjus, et egoldi kaudu palju pappi terrorismi rahastamiseks ja üldse musta raha. Eks seal on tõtt ka natuke, e-gold ju tglt täiesti anonüümne ja raha päritolu pea võimatu jälgida.

Ja väike hoiatus foorumlastele. Kuna e-goldil need jamad on ja exchangimisega suht raske, siis on tekkinud väga palju uusi nn. "vahendajaid", kes suure protsendiga pakuvad vahendust, eriti foorumites...ÄRGE KASUTAGE SELLISEID, vähemalt mitte suuremate summadega, sest väga palju on nende seas petiseid, kes lihtsalt olukorda ära kasutavad ja lõppkokkuvõttes rahaga lihtsalt kaovad. Katsuge kannatada 18 juunini, eks siis paistab mis on saanud.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

No mina saan ka sellest hetkel nii aru, et SEB Eesti filiaal sulges selle USA Justiitsministeeriumi uudise alusel G&SR konto oma pangas.
See uudis Eesti SEB panga kohta asub OmniPay lehel siin:

Postitan igaks juhuks selle ka siia, kui see netist kaduma peaks jääma:
OmniPay temporarily suspends exchange to transition to OmniPay Africa

Effective immediately, G&SR will be leasing the OmniPay business to OmniPay Africa. All OmniPay exchanges will now involve e-gold transfers and money payments into/out of OmniPay Africa's e-gold and bank accounts respectively. G&SR has contracted to serve as the Operator of OmniPay but will not be a party to actual exchanges.

In terms of immediate impacts:

* The OmniPay exchange service will suspend operation pending provisioning of a suitable bank account for OmniPay Africa. It is anticipated this service interruption will start May 24, 2007 with service resuming on or about June 18, 2007.
* With resumption, all bank wires from customers must be directed to
the new bank coordinates which will be posted on the website.

The original plan was for OmniPay Africa to organize as a licensee of G&SR, the US company that owns OmniPay. A substantial development effort was underway to support the additional requirements for over-the-counter exchange operations such as biometric validation. However, recent actions of the US government, originating from a long-standing and misguided animus on the part of the US Secret Service, necessitate immediate action. Specifically, SEB Bank in Estonia has notified G&SR it is closing its bank account at close of business May 25, 2007 explicitly because of the Press Release from the US DOJ.

We regret the temporary interruption of OmniPay services. Just as the US government's recent actions in seizing e-gold accounts of e-gold Ltd., G&SR, The Bullion Exchange, AnyGoldNow, IceGold, GitGold, The Denver Gold Exchange, GoldPouch Express and 1MDC (and forcing G&SR to liquidate the seized assets!) have severely damaged not only these exchange businesses but also their innumerable customers, their forcing this complex transition to be performed on an emergency basis is simply shameful.

We do not however regret the transfer of OmniPay responsibilities to OmniPay Africa. As will become abundantly clear in coming months, the OmniPay Africa team is highly qualified to guide OmniPay to a higher level, a genuinely global service that will foster a beneficial surge in e-gold's emergence while bringing significant advantages to emerging economies.

Strategic Background

A major strategic emphasis for e-gold is to provide sophisticated remote payments capabilities to the majority of mankind underserved by or excluded by the banking system. An important focus is international remittances - payments from migrant workers living in advanced economies sending a portion of their earnings to their home country. For many developing economies, migrant remittances constitute a significant portion of foreign exchange income and even GDP. Traditional remittance mechanisms, however, are expensive and inflexible. It is estimated that lowering the net cost of remittances by a few percentage points could measurably enhance economic development. There is also increasing awareness that non-traditional banking such as micro-credit facilities can also aid in bootstrapping lesser developed economies.

OmniPay Africa, an entirely non-US company, majority owned by prominent business leaders from the Francophone countries of West Africa, was therefore organized to extend the usefulness of e-gold by providing support for over-the-counter exchange and by fostering the integration of e-gold into micro-credit lending institutions. The combination of e-gold (settling the international transfer of value with no need for a financial intermediary) and OmniPay (offering standardized, reliable, low cost exchange to/from local currency) will serve as a flexible low cost alternative to the traditional systems.

Kui see on tõsi, et SEB selle OmniPay konto sulges, siis pole mõtet siin jällegi spekuleerima hakata, miks see tehti jne. Mitte keegi ei tea 100% selle põhjust. Lugesin ühest foorumist, mis oli ka mulle uudiseks, et kõik e-kulla "InExchange" tehingud OmniPay-ga (e-kulla ostud OmniPay-lt), käisid SEB Eesti pangakonto kaudu. See tähendab seda, et kõik OmniPay valuuta, mille ta sai müüdud e-kulla pealt, laekus OmniPay SEB Eesti pangakonto arvele (??). Kui see on nii, siis enamus OmniPay raha peaks loogiliselt ka sellel kontol olema ja millest piisaks ümberregistreerimisel teise riiki uuesti tehinguid alustada. Tekib väike kahtlus selles osas, et USA-l mingi õigus sellele rahale jääb, kui OmnyPay suudab ennast mõnes muus riigis(Aafrikas) ümberregistreerida. Ja kes teab, võimalik, et see arve suleti SEB panga poolt seoses OmniPay Aafrikasse kolimisega ja taasavatakse peale seda, kui ta on omadega Aafrikasse ära kolinud. Eks aeg näitab.. ;)
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

Lõik admini vestlusest minuga:
Please read the bloggers worth merit - eTalkMoney - NoBSHyip - Dolphin's Wink - Leo (DrunkonLife) - Paul (Dollar$Blog) or my blog at C4G, Omnipay's move is necessary at this point to secure the future of E-Gold. Also, many of these bloggers are professionals in other fields and after reading the E-Gold indictment, see it is full of holes and it's been tossed at GS&R in hopes they would get scared and cop a plea, which they are not stupid enough to do...

E-Gold is safe, CEPTrust is not safe. They are an unlicensed money transmitter that is paper based, they do no posess bullion reserves such as E-Gold and if the feds move in on them, all the feds have to do is freeze their bank account like they did with EMO last year and it's over... Also remember, the issues with Stormpay and EMO happened after E-gold was shut down for two weeks in Dec 2005 and all the stupid people immediately screamed E-gold was dead, put your money in EMO and Stompay...

Tol ajal, kui kurikuulus otsustas oma e-kulla protsessori vahetada EMO Corp vastu, oli enamvähem sama jama. Mäletan, USA fedekad panid EMO Corp kinni, kuna neil puudus online rahavahendustegevuseks litsents ja raamatupidamise läbivaatamisel selgus, et neil olid rahalises osas suured puudujäägid. EMO raamatupidajad ei suutnud algselt tõestada, kuhu on paigutatud suurem osa panga klientide raha.. :D
Täpselt ei mäleta kas mul endal mingi kopikas sinna EMO-sse jäi või ei. Igatahes arvan, et kui Charis (12DP admin) poleks oma protsessorit vahetanud, oleks see kindlasti kestnud veel pikka aega.

ma just proovisin logida oma EMO kontole ja sain isegi sisse :mrgreen:

Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold :::::: WARNING ::::::::

Postitus Postitas surf »

Ok, siin on väike vestlus ASA foorumist, kus mul on ka kasutajanimi olemas.
Kuigi tegemist võib olla ka ühe tavalise paanikaga, kuid arvan, et ma ei saa sellist infot jätta oma teada.
Järgmine vestlus toimus täna, peatselt enne minu postitust siin.

Jake ( Admin)
Egold will cause many programs to fail within the next 2 weeks. DO not put to much into Egold sites & get what you can out of Egold now.
If you are an admin reading this, switch to Alertpay now. Many warning signs have been given.

Keegi 1
2 weeks? That does not sound good. While many AutoSurfs have multiple payment processors in place, most Hyip programs only use egold. The people invested in these Hyip program are locked in for many months.
If you are correct Jake, many people stand to lose a lot of money.
How did you come up with this 2 week determination?

Jake ( Admin)
I will tell everyone right now. I have a close friend with a family member in the US Senate. Trust me, you have a short period of time to get out of Egold. Maybe less than 2 weeks.

Keegi 2
Egold has already started the process of locking every account that has ever paid or been paid by a HYIP or Auto Surf. I called to see why my account was locked and that is what I was told.

Jake ( Admin)

If you are an admin reading this, switch to Alertpay now. Many warning signs have been given.

Jack ( Admin)
I agree with this Jake. I have to admit that trying to gain access to our account again has been a tough obstacle. The fact that it was frozen without reason bothers me.

I am going to release an update on how the recycle process is going tonight. We have also found information that maybe useful to any admin running these scripts.

Jake ( Admin)
Hello, can anyone who visits other forums please transfer this information. I do not normally ask this, but circumstances will merit this decision. There is a short span of time available to people. The fact of the matter is that Egold is locking tons of accounts for the so called association with HYIP. This includes individual accounts.


If you are an admin reading this, switch to Alertpay now. Many warning signs have been given.
Postitusi: 74
Liitunud: 24 Veebr 2007, 00:40

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas muhno »

nja tuleb loota et See on jälle kellegi Suur luulu . kuigi jah Selle e-goldi ümber viimsAel ajal ikka jube trall koguaeg. kogu hyip ja surf maailmale see just hea pole
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

No kui see ASA admin nüüd selle kohapealt eksib, siis ta sit.. oma nime veel rohkem täis kui ta juba seda on.. Elame näeme..

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas SIDRUN »

pippen kirjutas: surf kus sa oled, on sul mingeid uudiseid?

Ma sain täna nobshyip-i uudiskirja, tundub, et e-gold hakkab ennast nüüd ametlikult USA-st välja tõmbama, siin siis tekst ise Omnipay kohta (mida ka icegold kasutab) ... exchanges/

eks siis paistab mis saama hakkab....

Icegold'il on väiksed probleemid Omnipayga varsti juba kuu aega, kui ei saa raha kätte läbi E-goldi... oskab keegi targem öelda, kust saab veel raha üle kanda ja paluks lühi-tutvustust ka kuidas toimida.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

Eilne uudis IceGoldi lehel:

Ostame jälle e-kulda

Meile on jälle võimalik müüa e-kulda. Kuna meil ei ole endiselt võimalik üleliigset e-kulda edasi müüa kesksele rahavahetajale Omnipay'le, on tehingute päevalimiidiks 10000 USD või selle ekvivalent teistes valuutades. Kui meile liiga palju kulda müüakse, peatame jälle ajutiselt kulla ostu.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: Illegaalsed kompaniid!

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Hea näide selle kohta, mis võib juhtuda kui otsida praegu e-goldile alternatiivi ja kasutada igasuguseid illegaalseid, litsentsita makseprotsessoreid interneti äris.
Siin on järgmine pauk paljudele investoritele, kes selle e-valuuta vahendaja teenuseid kasutasid. Kujutan ette kui paljud sealt oma rahast nüüd ilma jäävad.
Litigation Release No. 20191 / July 11, 2007

SEC v. CEP Holdings, Inc. D/B/A, Trevor Reed, Clayton Kimbrell and Colon End Parenthesis Trust, LLC, Civil Action No. 5:07-CV-00256-BO (EDNC, July 9, 2007)

The Securities and Exchange Commission (Commission) announced today that it has filed a complaint seeking emergency relief in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina against CEP Holdings, Inc. d/b/a (CEP), Colon End Parenthesis Trust, LLC (CEP Trust), and its owners and operators, Trevor Reed (Reed) and Clayton Kimbrell (Kimbrell). The Commission alleges that since approximately November 2005, Reed and Kimbrell, through CEP, have fraudulently sold approximately $12 million worth of securities in unregistered transactions to approximately 5,000 investors, promising returns of 2% per day.

The Commission alleges that Reed and Kimbrell solicited investors to purchase CEP memberships with a minimum investment of $20 through CEP's Internet website. On the homepage of this site, CEP claimed that investors could make the "% of an auto-surf without surfing." In order to invest in CEP, investors were required to open and fund an account at CEP Trust, which was also owned and controlled by Reed and Kimbrell. Reed, Kimbrell, and CEP falsely claimed to use the funds to invest in safe, "brick and mortar" type businesses, such as travel agencies and real estate. In fact, Reed and Kimbrell invested most of the money CEP raised in other high-risk, online schemes, including auto-surf programs. Reed and Kimbrell omitted to disclose to CEP investors that CEP had no record of its investments and that neither CEP nor CEP Trust have reliable financial records. Moreover, Reed and Kimbrell, through CEP, made numerous other misrepresentations and omissions of material facts concerning (1) the safety and rate of return of the investment; (2) the nature and merits of the investment; (3) CEP's compliance with Commission regulations; and (4) the size and scope of CEP's overall membership program.

The Complaint alleges that the defendants, Reed, Kimbrell, and CEP have violated Sections 5(a), 5(c), and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Complaint further alleges that CEP Trust aided and abetted violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder.

The Court subsequently entered an order freezing the defendants' assets, appointing a receiver for the defendants, imposing preliminary injunctions against the defendants for future violations of the antifraud provision of the federal securities laws, and providing other relief.

Info: ... r20191.htm

Mul ei jätku lihtsalt sõnu.. Peale e-kulla jama, nii paljud, erinevate programmide adminid, kartes e-goldi kadumist, kasutasid selle nn "CEP LLC" (osaühing) makseprotsessorit ja tulemus on käes.. Kõik CEP LLC programmid (, ja on nüüd USA Riiklik Väärtpaberi- ja Börsikomisjoni poolt internetist välja lülitatud. Ja see teeb kahju paljudele paljudele programmidele, kuna oma suurest rumalusest ostustasid kasutada selle "kompanii" makseprotsessorit. :D Täpselt sama viga tehti ju ajal, kui võeti kasutusele EMO Corp. Adminid ei võta ka kunagi õppust. Et sealt veel midagi kätte saada, unustagu ära..


Pilt Pilt

SEC Väljavõte (soovitan läbi lugeda punase tekstiga kommentaarid):

Plaintiff, Civil Action No.


Plaintiff, Securities and Exchange Commission ("Commission") files this
Complaint for Injunctive and Other Relief and alleges that:


1. This case involves a fraudulent and unregistered offering of securities sold via the Internet bydefendants Trevor Reed (“Reed”) and Clayton Kimbrell (“Kimbrell”) through an entity they owned and controlled, defendant CEP Holdings, Inc. d/b/a (“CEP” or the “Company”). Since approximately November 2005, Reed and Kimbrell, through CEP, have sold approximately $12 million worth of securities (referred to as “memberships”) to approximately 5,000 investors.

No registration statement was filed with the Commission in connection with these securities.

2. At the direction of Reed and Kimbrell, investor funds were initially placed in one or more bank accounts owned by defendant Colon End Parenthesis Trust, LLC (“CEP Trust”), a Kentucky Limited Liability Company also owned and controlled by Reed and Kimbrell.

3. Reed and Kimbrell solicited prospective CEP investors to purchase a CEP membership, with a minimum initial investment of $20. In return for the purchase, Reed and Kimbrell promised to pay investors a daily return of 2%, payable every 30 days (with a rollover option), for a period of either 180 or 360 days (over 700% a year).

4. To invest in CEP, investors fund an account at CEP Trust, and then use that account on the CEP website to pay for their CEP membership. No further effort is required on the part of investors.

5. Reed, Kimbrell and CEP falsely claim to use the funds to invest in safe, “brick and mortar” type businesses such as travel agencies and real estate. In fact, at the direction of Reed, the funds are invested in other online schemes, including auto-surf programs.

6. Neither CEP nor CEP Trust have reliable records for the funds moving in and out of CEP and CEP Trust. Moreover, CEP has no reliable record of its investments. Reed and Kimbrell omit to disclose to CEP investors that CEP has no record of its investments and that neither CEP nor CEP Trust have reliable financial records.

7. Moreover, Reed and Kimbrell, through CEP, made numerous other misrepresentations and omissions of material facts concerning
(1) the safety and rate of return of the investment;
(2) the nature and merits of the investment;
(3) CEP’s compliance with Commission regulations; and
(4) the size and scope of CEP’s overall membership program.

8. By virtue of their conduct, defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP have engaged in, and unless restrained and enjoined by this Court, will continue to engage in, acts and practices which constitute and will constitute violations of Sections 5(a), 5© and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”) [15 U.S.C. §§ 77e(a), 77e©, and 77q(a)] and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5].

9. As a result of its conduct, defendant CEP Trust has engaged in, and unless restrained and enjoined by this Court, will continue to engage in, acts and practices which aid and abet violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5].

10. The Commission brings this action pursuant to Sections 20 and 22 of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. §§’s 77t and 77v] and Sections 21(d) and 21(e) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§’s 78u(d) and 78u(e)], to enjoin the defendants from engaging in the transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business alleged in this complaint, and transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business of similar purport and object, for civil penalties and for other equitable relief.

11. This Court has jurisdiction over this action pursuant to Section 22 of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77v] and Sections 21(d), 21(e), and 27 of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. §§’s 78u(d), 78u(e), and 78aa].

12. Defendants, directly and indirectly, made use of the mails, the means and instruments of transportation and communication in interstate commerce and the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce in connection with the transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business alleged in this complaint.

13. Certain of the transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business constituting violations of the Securities Act and Exchange Act occurred in the Eastern District of North Carolina. Defendant Reed resides in the Eastern District of North Carolina.

14. Defendants, unless restrained and enjoined by this Court, will continue to engage in the transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business alleged in this complaint, and in transactions, acts, practices, and courses of business of similar purport and object.


15. CEP Holdings, Inc. d/b/a (“CEP” or the “Company”) is a Belize corporation owned by Reed and Kimbrell and doing business primarily from Reed’s North Carolina home.

CEP’s investment program is offered solely via its Internet website

CEP has never been registered with the Commission in any capacity and has never registered any offering of securities under the Securities Act or any class of securities under the Exchange Act.

16. Trevor Reed, age 25, is a resident of Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is the founder and co-owner of CEP.

17. Clayton Kimbrell, age 23, is a resident of Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the co-owner and operator of CEP.

18. Colon End Parenthesis Trust, LLC (“CEP Trust”) is a Kentucky Limited Liability Company with its principal place of business in Bowling Green, Kentucky. CEP Trust is owned and operated by Reed and Kimbrell. CEP Trust operates as a depository of funds from CEP investors.

The Fraudulent Scheme

19. Since approximately November 2005, Reed and Kimbrell, acting through CEP, have fraudulently offered and sold approximately $12 million worth of securities in unregistered transactions in the form of investment contracts to approximately 5,000 investors throughout the United States and worldwide. Since February 2006, defendants Reed and Kimbrell have used CEP Trust as an Internet payment processor for CEP’s investment program.

20. Through CEP’s Internet website,, CEP, Reed and Kimbrell solicited investors to become members in CEP’s investment program. On the homepage of this site, CEP claimed that investors could make the “% of an auto-surf without surfing.” CEP also claimed to provide investors “with a safer way to invest online by diversifying your investments in multiple venues” including “travel agencies, condominiums, real estate, the trading of goods and currencies, and health products.”

21. Contrary to these claims, Reed and Kimbrell invested most of the money CEP raised in other online investment programs, but failed to maintain records of how CEP funds were invested.

22. In order to invest in CEP, investors were required to open and fund an account at CEP Trust, which was also owned and controlled by Reed and Kimbrell. Once an account was opened at CEP Trust, an investor could use that account information on the CEP website to transfer money to CEP to fund his investment.

The Investment Nature of the CEP Investment Program

23. The purchase of a CEP membership constitutes an investment contract because the receipt of payment from CEP is dependent upon a member’s funding his or her account, and not on his or her provision of services.

24. CEP is a passive system. Members are only required to place funds into the program. Management undertakes all activities to invest these funds.

25. The amount of returns that CEP pays to its members are dependent solely upon how much money they put into the program, not on the amount of service they render to CEP.

26. The funds purportedly used to pay the members result solely from the efforts of the Defendants, and not from the efforts of the members.

Misrepresentations and Omissions

27. CEP’s website represented that there are over 16,000 members. In fact Reed and Kimbrell knew, or were severely reckless in not knowing, that CEP had approximately 5,000 members.

28. In CEP related forum postings, defendant Reed misrepresented the actual and potential returns CEP’s investments could earn. For example, in a posting in February 2007, Reed stated that, “On average, CEP is making almost double what it pays out daily.”

In another posting in April 2007, Reed claimed that he had found an investment that will make “at least ten times the profit” CEP currently earns on its investments. Neither Reed, Kimbrell nor anyone at CEP maintained records sufficient to support CEP’s actual earnings, or records showing with what entities CEP had invested.

29. On CEP’s website, maintained by Kimbrell, and in related forum postings, Reed represented that CEP’s program is a low to no risk venture and that it invests in “bricks and mortar” type businesses, including travel agencies, condos, and real estate. In reality, CEP invests members’ funds in high-risk, online, high yield investment programs and auto-surfs programs.

Kimbrell controlled CEP Trust’s bank account and knew, or was severely reckless in not knowing, that CEP was not a low risk venture and that it invested in various on-line, high yield investments.

30. Defendant Reed falsely claimed, both in an online forum accessible via CEP’s website, as well as on other online forums, that CEP was in compliance with SEC regulations.
In an Internet post dated March 4, 2007, Reed stated,
We’ve got everything covered. I can assure you. We know the laws and regulations of what we do. No worries. We would not ever use the word investment if we could not do so safely. . . .We follow all of (the SEC) guidelines, as we agree to them. . . .Again, we have done our homework and have everything taken care of.

31. On its website, CEP claims that it has conducted “several months of research” on potential companies to invest in and therefore has a “pretty good eye on companies that are safe to invest with.”

In fact, Reed performed all research for CEP. His research was limited to chatting with various companies about their business models. In e.valuating prospective investments, Reed considered whether an entity had “been around for several months” and whether he (Reed) was able “to communicate with the owner” of a potential investment. CEP failed to maintain any record of its investment research, and failed to maintain records of where investor money had been invested.

32. Kimbrell maintained CEP’s website and through it facilitated investor access to CEP-related forums where Reed made his postings. Moreover, Kimbrell managed and controlled the CEP Trust bank account. Kimbrell was aware of the truth concerning CEP and knew, or was severely reckless in not knowing, that CEP had no record of its investments, and that CEP did not comply with SEC regulations.


Violations of Sections 5(a) and 5© of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77e(a) and 77e©

33. Paragraphs 1 through 32 are hereby realleged and are incorporated herein by reference.

34. From at least as early as in or about February 2007 through the present, Defendants Reed, Kimbrell, and CEP, by engaging in the conduct described above, directly or indirectly, made use of means or instruments of transportation or communication in interstate commerce or of the mails, to offer to sell or to sell securities, or to carry or cause such securities to be carried through the mails or in interstate commerce for the purpose of sale or for delivery after sale.

35. No registration statement has been filed with the Commission or has been in effect with respect to the offering alleged herein.

36. By engaging in the conduct described above, Defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP violated and unless restrained and enjoined will continue to violate, Sections 5(a) and 5© of the Securities Act, 15 U.S.C. Sections 77e(a) and 77e©.


Violations of Section 17(a)(1) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77q(a)(1)]

37. Paragraphs 1 through 32 are hereby realleged and are incorporated herein by reference.

38. From at least as early as in or about November 2005 through the present, defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, in the offer and sale of the securities described herein, by the use of means and instruments of transportation and communication in interstate commerce and by use of the mails, directly and indirectly, employed devices, schemes and artifices to defraud purchasers of such
securities, all as more particularly described above.

39. Defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP knowingly, intentionally, and/or recklessly engaged in the aforementioned devices, schemes and artifices to defraud.

40. While engaging in the course of conduct described above, the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP acted with scienter, that is, with an intent to deceive, manipulate or defraud or with a severe reckless disregard for the truth.

41. By reason of the foregoing, the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, directly and indirectly, have violated and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Section 17(a)(1) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77q(a)(1)].


Violations of Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act[15 U.S.C. §§ 77q(a)(2) and 77q(a)(3)]

42. Paragraphs 1 through 32 are hereby realleged and are incorporated herein by reference.

43. From at least as early as in or about November 2005 through the present, defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, in the offer and sale of the securities described herein, by use of means and instruments of transportation and communication in interstate commerce and by use of the mails, directly and indirectly:

a. obtained money and property by means of untrue statements of material fact and omissions to state material facts necessary in order to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; and
b. engaged in transactions, practices and courses of business which would and did operate as a fraud and deceit upon the purchasers of such securities, all as more particularly described above.

44. By reason of the foregoing, the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, directly and indirectly, have violated and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. §§ 77q(a)(2) and 77q(a)(3)].


Violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)]and Rule 10b-5 thereunder [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5]

45. Paragraphs 1 through 32 are hereby realleged and are incorporated herein by reference.

46. From at least as early as in or about November 2005 through the present, defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, in connection with the purchase and sale of securities described herein, by the use of the means and instrumentalities of interstate commerce and by use of the mails, directly and indirectly:
a. employed devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud;
b. made untrue statements of material facts and omitted to state material
facts necessary in order to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances
under which they were made, not misleading; and
c. engaged in acts, practices, and courses of business which would and
did operate as a fraud and deceit upon the purchasers of such securities,
all as more particularly described above.

47. The defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP knowingly, intentionally, and/or recklessly engaged in the aforementioned devices, schemes and artifices to defraud, made untrue statements of material facts and omitted to state material facts, and engaged in fraudulent acts, practices and courses of business. In ngaging in such conduct, the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP acted with scienter, that is, with an intent to deceive, manipulate or defraud or with a severe reckless disregard for the truth.

48. By reason of the foregoing, the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, directly and indirectly, have violated and, unless enjoined, will continue to violate Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5].


CEP Trust’s Aiding and Abetting Reed, Kimbrell and CEP’s Violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 thereunder [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5]

49. Paragraphs 1 through 32 above are realleged and incorporated by reference herein.

50. As set forth more fully above, Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, directly or indirectly, by use of the means or instrumentalities of interstate commerce, or of the mails, or of any facility of a national exchange, in connection with the purchase or sale of CEP securities, have with knowledge or recklessly,
(a) employed devices, schemes, and artifices to defraud;
(b) made untrue statements of material fact or omitted to state material facts necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or © engaged in acts, practices, and course of business which operate or would operate
as a fraud or deceit upon any person.

51. By reason of the foregoing, Reed, Kimbrell and CEP violated Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5].

52. Defendant CEP Trust, pursuant to Section 20(e) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. 78t(e)] knowingly provided substantial assistance to defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP in their violation of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5] thereunder.

53. By reason of the foregoing, CEP Trust aided and abetted violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5] thereunder.


WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Commission respectfully prays for:


Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law pursuant to Rule 52 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, finding that the defendants named herein committed the violations alleged herein.


A temporary restraining order, preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining the defendants Reed, Kimbrell and CEP, their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of the order of injunction, by personal service or otherwise, and each of them, from violating, directly or indirectly, Sections 5(a), 5© and Section 17(a) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77e(a), 15 U.S.C. § 77e© and 15 U.S.C. § 77q(a)] and Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5] promulgated thereunder.


A temporary restraining order, preliminary and permanent injunctions enjoining the defendant CEP Trust, its officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and those persons in active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of the order of injunction, by personal service or otherwise, and each of them, from aiding and abetting violations of Section 10(b) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78j(b)] and Rule 10b-5 [17 C.F.R. § 240.10b-5] promulgated thereunder.


An order requiring an accounting of the use of proceeds of the sales of the securities described in this Complaint and the disgorgement by the Defendants of all ill-gotten gains or unjust enrichment with prejudgment interest, to effect the remedial purposes of the federal securities laws and an order freezing the assets of the defendants and appointing a receiver for the Defendants CEP and CEP Trust.


An order pursuant to Section 20(d) of the Securities Act [15 U.S.C. § 77t(d)] and Section 21(d)(3) of the Exchange Act [15 U.S.C. § 78u(d)(3)] imposing civil penalties against the Defendants.


Such other and further relief as this Court may deem just, equitable, and appropriate in connection with the enforcement of the federal securities laws and for the protection of investors.

Dated July 9, 2007.

Respectfully submitted,

Alex Rue
Senior Trial Counsel
Georgia Bar No. 618950
Telephone (404) 842-7616

Penny J. Morgan
Staff Attorney
Georgia Bar No. 721575
Counsel for Plaintiff
Securities and Exchange Commission
3475 Lenox Road, N.E., Suite 1000

Atlanta, Georgia 30326-123

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas IXI »


We raised the limit for sell e-gold service to 25 000 USD (or equivalent) per customer in one day. Also, now the sell e-gold form is open longer. The outexchange service availability will be indicated in the "we buy" column in the mini rates table at the top left corner of our webpage.

Tue 31. Jul
8:23 AM GMT

We have stopped accepting "sell" orders for now. We will resume buying e-gold later today or tomorrow morning.
Postitusi: 560
Liitunud: 18 Nov 2006, 06:02

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas surf »

Tore uudis ;)

Teade Ostame e-kulda jälle piiranguteta

Nüüdsest on meile võimalik e-kulda müüa summapiiranguta. Juhul kui meile e-kulda liiga palju müüakse, võime e-kulla ostmise jälle ajutiselt peatada.

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas Marguz »

Kuidas siis e-goldis nüüd raha välja saab?
Kasutaja avatar
Postitusi: 201
Liitunud: 10 Okt 2006, 18:04

Re: IceGold

Postitus Postitas pippen »

Marguz kirjutas: Kuidas siis e-goldis nüüd raha välja saab?

hea küsimus, icegold'i võib küll vist maha kanda :evil:

eelmine nädal küsisin, millal nad ostma hakkavad. siis vastasid, et selle nädala esmaspäevast.
praegu kirjutasin, et tänaseni pole vorm avatud, mis toimub, siis vastasid, et nad ei vaja praegu e-kulda rohkem ja avavad siis kui vajavad jälle.

lehel on ka selline tekst:
Fri 12.10
10:17 "Müü e-kulda" vorm avatud
Fri 12.10
10:32 "Müü e-kulda" vorm suletud

15 min oli võimalik oma e-kulda müüa 8O

krt tavid võiks ka vahepeal sildi üles panna, et me ei vaja teie dollareid enam...