1. leht 1-st

Kiri nn E-goldilt

Postitatud: 23 Juul 2007, 18:19
Postitas larigpt
Dear e-gold account holder,

Access to your e-gold account has been temporarily disabled due to
the number of incorrect login attempts. This has been done to secure
your account and to protect your private information in case the
login attemps were not done by you.

Account access will remain disabled until this issue will be solved.
If you are the rightful holder of the account, please click on the
title bellow and log in to your e-gold account.

Respond to this notification

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and appreciate
assistance in helping us maintain the integrity of the entire e-gold
system. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Please do not reply to this automatically generated email message.

Link viib lehele https://www.e-gold.com-er.in/acct/login.html

Re: Kiri nn E-goldilt

Postitatud: 23 Juul 2007, 19:06
Postitas surf
Sellist postitus tehes peaksid ka punaselt tippima teksti:
See on võlts e-kulla leht ja mitte sisestada oma e-kulla andmeid!

Foorumis on kindlasti palju selliseid, kes selliseid asju veel ei tea. :D

Domain Name: COM-ER.IN ( .IN on kindlasti India domeen)
Created On: 20-Jul-2007 16:19:22 UTC
IP Address: (Ei ole e-kulla oma! E-kullal on IP:
IP Location: United States - New Jersey - Parsippany - Net Access Corporation (E-kullal IP location: Florida - Melbourne - E-gold)
Puudub ka SSL sertifikaat

Re: Kiri nn E-goldilt

Postitatud: 23 Juul 2007, 20:34
Postitas surf
Nalja pärast registreerisin just praegu endale uue e-kulla konto. Saatsin sinna 0,3$ ja tahtsin vaadata, kas häkker sinna ka ligi saab. Sisestasin selle võlts e-kulla lehele oma uue konto andmed, peale seda avanes brauseril uus tabi ja küsis PIN-koodi (viimast poleks e-kuld tavaolukorras küsinud, kuna IP mul ei muutunud). Sisenesin oma e-postkasti ja nägin, et spämmilahtrisse oli saabunud e-kulla "AccSent PIN" kiri. Kuna kiri oli spämmlahtris, siis arvatavasti see on häkkeri poolt koostatud kiri, kuid täpselt hetkel ei oska öelda. Loomulikult, kui ma sisestaksin selle koodi, siis oleks häkkeril juba olemas ka minu e-kulla kontole ligipääs, kuna ma luban sellega muuta oma IP aadressi. Sisestasin vale PIN koodi ja spämmilahtrisse saabus kohe ka teine selletaoline "AccSent PIN" kiri. (United States Parsippany Net Access Corporation) - Sellelt IP-t siis üritab keegi kangesti minu e-kulda sisse häkkida aga tulutult :lol: , kuna seadistasin ka oma uue e-kulla AccSent seaded, mis on hetkel järgmised:
Detect IP Address Change Sensitivity - High!
Detect Browser Change - Enabled!
Kui seda seadistust poleks, oleks häkker juba minu sendid e-kulla kontolt endale rabanud :D

**AccSent PIN**...

Standard Header|Full Message View
"PINRobot_donotreply@e-gold.com" <PINRobot_donotreply@e-gold.com> ...
AddMonday, July 23, 2007 7:52:35 PM

PIN: 274-611
Acct: 4626541
Expires: 7/23/2007 5:07:34 PM GMT



The security settings on e-gold account 4626541 require new PIN entry
when a change in computer and/or location is detected.

If you did not attempt to login to e-gold account 4626541 at
7/23/2007 4:52:34 PM GMT, this suggests that somebody besides you knows the
passphrase to your e-gold account due to poor security practices on
your part! In that case you should immediately take the following
steps in the following order:

1. Login to your e-gold account

If the one-time PIN is still active (see above), your successful
login will deactivate it.

2. Change the passphrase on your e-gold account

Use e-gold's Secure Randomized Keypad (SRK) in case your computer is
infected with a keystroke logger or virus.

3. Read and implement the security recommendations published on the
e-gold website.

Don't put this step off, or you risk compromising your new passphrase
as well!